ComAfrique - CSR Initiative CII: www.cii.gm
Cashew info website: www.cashewinfo.com
VINACAS website: www.vinacas.com.vn
Dessicants: https://youtu.be/M_DgsDAiCgk / www.drybag.in
Honorary Consul General of India
His Excellency Shri Ram Mohan
Honorary Consul General of India
Address: Oyster Creek, NL Pole #NC7714, Banjul - Serrekunda Highway,
P.O.Box 2389, Serrekunda, The Gambia
Landmark: Between GGC and Rosamond Fish Factory
Tel: (00220) 8600843 / 3365771 (Mr.Ram Mohan)
e-mail: bjl.hcgi@gmail.com
Indian Embassy website: www.embassyofindiadakar.gov.in
His Excellency Shri G V Srinivas
High Commissioner of the Republic of India to The Gambia
Concurrently Ambassador of the Republic of India to Senegal,
Cape Verde & Guinea Bissau
Address: 5, Avenue Carde, Ground Floor, BP 398, Dakar, Senegal
Tel: 0021-33 8495875 Fax: 0021 33 8223585
email: amb.dakar@mea.gov.in / hoc.dakar@mea.gov.in